Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

Colombia: Peace Talks With ELN to Start on February 7

BOGOTÁ, Colombia - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has said his government will enter into negotiations for an eventual peace agreement with the nation's second-largest rebel group, the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) or the Army of National Liberation, on February 7, just months after the peace agreement signed with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was ratified.

Colombia: Former General Knew of Extrajudicial Killings - HRW


BOGOTÁ, Colombia - General Mario Montoya Uribe, the lifelong military man and former Commander of the Colombian National Army, knew of the extrajudicial killings carried out as part of the 'false positives' case and did nothing to stop them, according to a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report that cited former generals.

Colombia peace accord wins Senate approval

The Colombian Senate has approved a revised peace accord between the government and the FARC rebel group, taking a first step toward ratifying an agreement that was rejected by voters.

The text, which was renegotiated after an earlier version was given a thumbs down in the Oct. 2 national referendum, now must be approved by the lower house of the Colombian Congress.

Colombia, rebels sign peace in sober ceremony amid opposition

Colombia's government and FARC rebels signed a controversial revised peace accord Nov. 24 to end their half-century conflict, set to be ratified in Congress despite bitter opposition.

President Juan Manuel Santos and guerrilla leader Rodrigo "Timochenko" Londono signed the new deal with a pen made from a spent bullet, in a low-key ceremony in the capital Bogota.
