Romanian Democratic Front

"Timisoara - 31 years since December 1989 Revolution' takes place under 'Dignity, Democracy, Determination' motto

The municipality and the revolutionary associations in Timisoara will mark, between December 16 and 22, the event of December 1989 through a series of manifestations gathered in the program "Timisoara - 31 years since the Revolution of December 1989" , under the motto "Dignity, Democracy, Determination", in a format with restricted public participation.

REVOLUTION 30: What happened in Timisoara, over December 16-20, 1989

The year 1989 meant the end of the communist regime in the Central and Eastern European countries. Romania was the only ex-communist country in the case of which the switch to democracy was violent, involving protests and street fights, and the only country where the leaders of the former regime got executed.