Ruling Justice and Development Party

Pamukkale University rector suspended after giving job to wife

The rector of Pamukkale University, Hüseyin Bağ, has been suspended from his post after reports that he gave a job to his wife in the university, Turkey's Higher Education Board (YÖK) said on Aug. 10.

The move comes after reports that he had given his wife a job as a teaching assistant went viral on social media.

Çorum deputy asks return of Ankara's Hittite artifacts

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Çorum deputy and parliament's administrative chief Salim Uslu said they have initiated works to move Hittite civilization artifacts at the Anatolian Civilizations Museum in Ankara and the Hittite Sun Course Monument in the capital's Sıhhiye Square to the Central Anatolian province of Çorum.

President, PM slam Turkish main opposition for criticizing arrests of HDP deputies

Both President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım have harshly slammed the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) for its recent criticism of the arrest of the co-leaders and 10 lawmakers of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on terrorism charges. 

President Erdo?an's food analyzed in palace and abroad, says his doctor

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an?s kitchen is under the strict control of his doctors, with a five-member emergency team permanently on call in the presidential palace.

All food and meals are analyzed before being served to Erdo?an in the palace, according to his personal doctor, Cevdet Erdöl.
