SDSM party

Macedonian opposition leader announces "huge protest"

Macedonian opposition leader announces "huge protest"

SKOPJE -- The leader of Macedonia's opposition SDSM party Zoran Zaev has announced protests "that will last until the government resigns."

He again accused Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and secret service chief Saso Miyalkov of "unauthorized wiretapping of citizens of Macedonia."

‘Coup-gate’, corruption claims and ‘foreign intel services’ bedevil fYRoM

The increasingly authoritarian government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the neighboring former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM) fell back on an “antiquated line of defense” last week in a bid to neutralize a political rival, namely, to indirectly involve Greek secret services.

Secret Videos Fuel Macedonia 'Coup' Frenzy

The opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, have condemned the publication of a video, which purports to show the opposition leader admitting that he obtained incriminating material from foreign intelligence agencies.

The fact that the "Prime Minister is recording political meetings in his cabinet is scandalous", the SDSM said on Tuesday.
