Social Security Ministry

New regulations to enhance rights of seasonal agricultural laborers

The Labor and Social Security Ministry is introducing new regulations to improve the rights and living conditions of seasonal agricultural workers.

According to the draft circular on the matter, the definition of seasonal agricultural workers will be expanded to include itinerant workers.

Expansion ‘a la carte’ for digital labor card

The Labor and Social Security Ministry is promoting the selective expansion of the digital labor card in retail trade and industry from the beginning of 2024, with the competent agencies hard at work making preparations, as in its full development the measure will concern over 500,000 workers in at least 65,000 businesses.

Turkey's top court rules for rights violation in Some mining disaster

Turkey's Constitutional Court has ruled that the Soma mining disaster in 2014 happened due to procedures that violated the victims' right to life.

According to the top court's ruling, published on the Official Gazette dated March 9, "negligence and errors" caused 301 deaths.

Labor Ministry has failed to publish key details concerning pensions

Pensioners remain in the dark about the recalculation of their pensions according to the 2016 law, as they have not yet been notified by the Labor and Social Security Ministry about their so-called personal difference - i.e. the part of their pension that is likely to be cut.

Turkish Labor Ministry names 2018 'fight against child labor year'

Turkey's Labor and Social Security Ministry has dubbed 2018 as the year "to fight child labor" and prepared an action plan that includes several key measures, from tighter controls in child labor intensive sectors to closer examination to schools' student attendance records, in a bid to achieve this goal. 
