SPC Assembly
Official denies that president "threatened bishops"
According to Selakovic, who is the president's general secretary, the outcome of the meeting is that now a majority of bishops have a clearer picture of the position and policy of Serbia regarding the issue of Kosovo. This conversation was not easy, but it was useful, said Selakovic.
Serbian Church disagrees with Bartholomew's Ukraine move
The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) dignitary, who is at the helm of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, added that after the latest decision of its head, Patriarch Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was "absolutely no longer considered as the supreme church authority by the SPC."
President unhappy with "Church in politics" - over Kosovo
On the occasion of the announcement of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Assembly's announcement, that at no cost should the question of full sovereignty and integrity of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija be put under a question mark, Vucic said that sovereignty is guarded by territory and people, and asked what of that Serbia has in Kosovo.
"Pro-Darwin" bishop reportedly under fire at SPC Assembly
According to a newspaper report, the SPC Assembly started with "an attack" on Bishop Maksim and professors of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology.
Serbian patriarch accepts invitation to visit Pope Francis
BELGRADE - Bishop of Zrenjanin Vladislav Nemet has confirmed to the daily Dnevnik from Novi Sad that Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Irinej has been invited to the Vatican to visit Pope Francis and that he and the SPC have accepted the invitation.
New Serbian Orthodox metropolitan enthroned in Zagreb
New Serbian Orthodox metropolitan enthroned in Zagreb
ZAGREB -- Newly-appointed Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Metropolitan of Zagreb-Ljubljana Porfirije was enthroned in Zagreb on Sunday.
SPC Patriarch Irinej presided over the solemn hierarchal liturgy.
Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana enthroned
ZAGREB - Newly-appointed Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Metropolitan of Zagreb-Ljubljana Porfirije was enthroned in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Zagreb on Sunday, Croatian Radiotelevision reported.
SPC Patriarch Irinej presided the solemn hierarchal liturgy.