Special Coordination Service

Investigation into the Recovery Fund: Where did €18 billion go, and where will the next €18 Billion be spent?

In December, the government is set to submit a new request—its fifth so far—to the Recovery Fund for a disbursement of €3.3 billion. This request is part of a €36 billion program, equivalent to roughly 20% of Greece’s GDP, making it proportionally the largest in Europe.

The first 12 projects of the “Greece 2.0” Plan from the Recovery Fund

The technical data sheets have been approved and the first 12 projects of the "Greece 2.0" Plan with a total budget of 1.42 billion euros are starting. The approval was given by the Deputy Minister of Finance, Theodoros Skylakakis, who is responsible for the Recovery Fund, following a relevant suggestion of the Special Coordination Service of the Fund.