St. Nicholas Church

Archbishop Demetrios to meet Ecumenical Patriarch in Istanbul

Archbishop Demetrios of America is visiting Istanbul on Friday to meet with Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos, in a meeting that could determine his future in office.
According to the Archdiocese, Demetrios will inform Vartholomeos about current affairs of the Archdiocese of America.

Santa Claus' Untouched Grave May be Beneath Church in Turkey's Antalya

Archaeologists may have become a step closer to finding the grave of St. Nicholas, more popularly known as Santa Claus, as they discovered what may be the actual grave of the Christmas saint below the surface of a church in Turkey's southern Antalya province, reports said Monday, Daily Sabah reported.

Vulin banned from attending memorial service for slain Serbs

BELGRADE - Serbia's Minister without portfolio for Kosovo-Metohija Aleksandar Vulin has been banned from attending a memorial service for slain Kosovo Serbs that will be held at the St. Nicholas Church in Pristina to mark the tenth anniversary of the March Pogrom, the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija said on Sunday.