Strategic Council
Bridging digital divide to be Stojmenova Duh’s priority as minister
Ljubljana – Emilija Stojmenova Duh, the candidate for minister of digital transformation, has pledged to build on what has been done well in the field in the past. Her priorities would be to narrow the digital divide and pave the way for society’s effective digital transformation, she told the relevant parliamentary committee before getting its nod Saturday.
Strategic Council presents first 40 measures for digital decade
Ljubljana – The Strategic Council for Digitalisation presented on Tuesday the first package of measures promoting digitalisation, which the government endorsed at its last week’s session. “These are 40 solutions for the fourth decade of the Slovenian country, which will undoubtedly be a digital one,” said the council’s head Mark Boris Andrijanič.
Bulgaria: Chances to Form Viable Government Are Not So Small – President’s Advisor
The personality profile of the future prime minister depends on the profile of the government, but in any case this person should be an antipode of Borissov. The new Prime Minister must be an intelligent, educated man who can watch his language and work to the public benefit. To be anti-Borisov, not in the sense of chasing Borisov away, but to work and behave in a different way.
The New Chief of Radev's Cabinet Is a PhD in Political Science
The president appointed Kaloyan Metodiev as head of his cabinet with a decree today, the presidential press secretariat announced. The post is vacant after Ivo Hristov ran for a BSP MEP and won a seat in the new European Parliament. With another decree, Radev appointed him as head of the Strategic Council to the presidency, in which Metodiev was a member so far.