Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals

Alcohol, chance and human beings

"We are so much at the mercy of Chance that Chance herself… takes the place of God," Pliny the Elder wrote 2,000 years ago. In difficult times, people's need for stability and consolation grows, as does the need to inform them of the dangers of addiction to games of chance and to substances - legal or not.

Homeless man falls to death from shelter in central Athens

A man aged between 40 and 45 years old fell to his death from the fourth floor of a homeless shelter in central Athens on Friday morning.

Authorities said they suspect that the homeless man, who was not named, killed himself. Homelessness has been on the rise during the crisis. It is estimated there are some 30,000 homeless people in Greece.

Homeless drug addicts doubled during crisis

The number of drug addicts living on the streets of the capital has doubled since the beginning of the country’s economic crisis, according to research by the Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA).

Of the addicts approached by members of KETHEA’s street team, 44.4 percent said they were homeless, up from 35.2 percent last year and 24.5 percent in 2010.