Tsipras’ government

Germany made more than €1bn out of Greek crisis!


Between its loans to Athens and its debt buying programmes, Germany has cashed in to the tune of €1.34bn since the beginning of the Greek crisis.

Germany’s finance ministry has published details of the profits it has made on loans to Greece: €1.34bn since 2009, according to reports by German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Coming soon: An F1 track at Piraeus!

Greece’s political turmoil and economic strife have not put an end to Dr. Athanassios Papatheodorou’s efforts to take F1 to Greece. The proposal for a GP track in Piraeus was first mooted in 2011. The country’s financial crisis may have slowed down the plan, however Dr. Papatheodorou insists that it might yet happen.