Turkish military

Top judicial body launches probe into raid on Turkish military's top secret room

The Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) has granted permission for a legal review of the 2010 raid on the room where the Turkish military?s top secret documents were held.

The HSYK?s 3rd Chamber issued the decision after the investigation which triggered the raid was dropped by a prosecutor in Ankara for lack of evidence last week, Hürriyet has learned.

It's the people, not the AKP, who sent the military to the barracks

If the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) had opted to continue the democratic reform process rather than opting for authoritarian rule after 2010, it would have been recalled in the future as a government that left an immensely positive legacy behind. Unfortunately, it has been destroying with its own hands the progressive legacy it had built after over a decade in power.

Defense Ministry lends full support to chief of staff in polemic with opposition politician

The Turkish Defense Ministry and Defense Minister ?smet Y?lmaz have declared their full support for Chief of General Staff Necdet Özel, who was slammed by Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli for his part in the Feb. 21 "?ah F?rat" overnight military operation into neighboring Syria.
