U.S. Central Command

US to participate in biennial military exercise with Egypt for first time since Arab Spring: Report

The United States military will take part in a biennial joint military exercise with Egypt called Bright Star 2017 -- marking the first time the U.S. has participated in the joint exercise since the toppling of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 2011, CNN reported on Aug. 15. 

Turkish military buildup in northern Syria threatens Raqqa operation

Kurdish activists claim Turkey is building up its military forces in northern Syria for an assault on the Kurdish held district of Afrin, a development that could cause serious setbacks in the ongoing American-backed operation to liberate the defacto capital of ISIS, Raqqa.

Meet the venture capitalist who launched a kickstarter for war

It was December in northern Syria and the temperature was dropping fast. Local militias fighting the Islamic State had suffered heavy casualties after a tough battle, and U.S. special operations forces urgently needed to get blankets to their partners. They turned to a small charity run by Jim Hake, a former venture capitalist who made his fortune on tech startups in California.
