US Pentagon

Turkish military planes embark on violations spree

In what is seen as a response to an ongoing annual exercise by the Hellenic Navy in the Aegean, Turkish jets violated Greek national airspace 99 times on Tuesday, according to the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA).

Forty-six of those violations were conducted by fighter jets and the other 53 by CN-235 surveillance aircraft.

F-16 deal could be paid over a decade

Greece could be granted up to a decade to pay the US for the upgrading of the Hellenic Air Force fleet of F-16 fighter jets, it emerged on Thursday. 

Diplomatic sources said that US President Donald Trump himself paved the way by informing the US Pentagon to facilitate Greece in its repayment for the upgrade. 

Geopolitical responsibilities

Turkey's strategic importance is being openly challenged. Leaders and analysts from both sides of the Atlantic believe that Turkey has embarked on a path which is impossible to interpret even at the best of times. Turkey continues, of course, to be a very big country in a crucial geostrategic location, with important business operations.

Tensions between US and Russia rise over Syria (pics)

The Russian Embassy in Damascus, Syria has come under mortar fire, stated the Russian Foreign Ministry Monday. The Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement condemning the attack on the diplomatic mission, while it called on the international community to take a clear standpoint on ‘this terrorist act.
