Vetevendosje Movement

Kosovo Serb Party Savages Kurti’s Election ‘Insults’

The Belgrade-backed Serbian party in Kosovo has condemned the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement and likely new Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, for saying that while Srpska Lista will not be part of his new coalition government, his cabinet will still contain a minister from the party.

Kosovars Spy Hope of Change in Local Elections

Kosovo citizens go to the polls on Sunday to vote for mayors and members of assemblies in the country's 38 municipalities, hoping a change in power will lead to a change in their daily lives.

The main battle is focused in the capital, Pristina, which is also the only municipality governed by the opposition Vetevendosje Movement.

Kosovo Opposition Parties Plan Anti-Government Protest

Kosovo opposition parties announced a protest in Pristina on Saturday against what they call the "hijacking of the government" by the ruling parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

They called on all "unsatisfied citizens, farmers, students and all of those who are unemployed" to join them.

Kosovo on Alert Over Serb Orthodox Holiday

Police have boosted their presence throughout Kosovo in preparation for the main religious holiday of the Serbian minority.

Ice thrown at Serbian Pilgrims in Gjakova

Kosovo police arrested two members of the nationalist Vetevendosje Movement for throwing ice at a bus carrying pilgrims to Serbian Orthodox ceremonies in the western town of Gjakova.

Kosovo Elects Speaker in Scenes of Confusion

Isa Musfata, head of the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, was elected speaker of Kosovo's parliament after 65 of 83 MPs present voted in favour.

“I will work in the interest of all MPs and all parliamentary groups no matter if they are present or not. We will work a lot for the integration of our minority communities, who elected us today”, he said after taking office on Thursday.
