Viorel Catarama
#PresidentialElections2019/Friday - last day of electoral campaign for presidential elections
The electoral campaign for the presidential elections, which started on October 12, will close on Saturday, at 7:00 hrs. At the same time, Friday is the first day Romanians abroad can vote. They have at their disposal three days to exercise their right to vote. These elections also featured the possibility of voting by correspondence.
#2019PresidentialElection/Voting in Diaspora has begun; polling station in Auckland, New Zealand has been opened
Voting in the Diaspora has begun in New Zealand, the polling station in Auckland being the first one opened, out of the 835 set up for the presidential elections. As a first, this year Romanians abroad have three days to cast a vote at the ballot boxes.
#2019PresidentialElection/ Romanians in the Diaspora vote for three days, starting on Friday
Romanians abroad will have three days and 835 polling stations at their disposal to vote in the presidential election, starting this Friday. Thus, the polling stations abroad will be open between 12.00 pm and 9.00 pm on Friday, local time, and between 7.00 am and 9.00 pm on Saturday and Sunday, local time.
BEC established order of candidates to presidential elections on ballot
Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) on Saturday established the order on the ballot of the candidates for the presidential elections this November.