White House

US Vice President Joe Biden to visit Turkey next month

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden next month visits Ukraine as well as Turkey, where fighting across the border in the Syrian town of Kobane has sparked tensions with Washington.

During the week of November 17, the U.S vice president travel on to Morocco and Turkey, where he nis expected to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

US Drops Arms to Kurds Fighting IS Despite Turkish Warnings

Kurds fighting Islamic State (IS) in the Syrian town of Kobane have received US weapons and medical aid, the Pentagon says.

The move comes against the backdrop of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's declarations over the weekend that Ankara would not allow Washington to supply the Kurds with arms.

US Declares “War” On IS

The White House declared Friday, September 12, the United States was at war with Islamic State (IS) radicals, reports AFP, quoted by the BTA wire service.

In a series of television interviews Secretary of State John Kerry had appeared to be reluctant to term the expansion of US operations against IS „war."
