Ahmet Aydın

Fear of poisonous fish worries residents in eastern province

The death of one of the two people who were hospitalized on suspicion of food poisoning after eating fish has raised concerns of poisonous puffer fish.

Last week, a fishmonger living in the eastern province of Van cooked a puffer fish, which he likened to the rockfish, with someone else, reportedly a baker.

Ruling AKP lawmakers press charges against former top commander

Six lawmakers from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) have filed criminal complaints against former Chief of General Staff İlker Başbuğ after he said FETÖ, the group behind the 2016 defeated coup attempt, had played a significant role in the adoption of laws in parliament that resulted in several military personnel to serve jail time over a decade ago.

HDP MP Garo Paylan applies to top court over treatment after 'genocide' comment

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul deputy Garo Paylan applied on Jan. 16 to the Constitutional Court, demanding that the top court annul his temporary suspension from parliament after using the word "genocide" in reference to the World War I-era mass killings of Ottoman Armenians.

Turkish Parliament speaker meets parties after punches fly at General Assembly

Parliament Speaker İsmail Kahraman brought together the group deputy chairpersons of all parties at Turkey's parliament on Dec. 13, after fists flew once again at the General Assembly on Dec. 12. 

Along with the heightened tension at parliament meetings, jailed deputies were also on the agenda of the meeting, state-run Anadolu Agency reported. 
