Alexander Fomin

Putin responded to Ukraine's request VIDEO / PHOTO

Negotiations, the outcome of which is expected by the whole world, have been going on for more than three hours.
A solution for Ukraine is possible only if Russia's interest is taken into account, Putin told Macron.
Putin presented Macron with the conditions for resolving the situation in Ukraine.
- Demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

Zelensky has a new condition; NATO is sending more weapons; War negotiators arrived;

The Russian delegation, as Nexta media reported, will be represented by Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Grizlov, MP Leonid Slutsky, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko and Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin. The head of the delegation is Vladimir Medinsky.

Turkey's doors open for cooperation with all countries on air defense systems

Turkey's doors are open to any country willing to cooperate with the country technically in producing air defense systems for the use of the Turkish Armed Forces, the head of the defense industry body has said, without ruling out the direct procurement of the systems until they can develop a national model. 

Russia Strikes USD 3.5 B Deals for Arms Deliveries to Egypt

Russia and Egypt have reached a preliminary deal on USD 3.5 B worth of weapons, with anti-missile equipment and pieces of artillery to be sold to Cairo, Moscow official say.

Alexander Fomin, head of Russia's Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation, announced the deal while on an international arms trade fair in South Africa, Interfax news agency reports.