Apostolos Gletsos

Zero seriousness

Wednesday's TV debate between the candidates for the new SYRIZA leader did not garner the same attention as the corresponding debate held by PASOK, nor did it demonstrate the same level of seriousness.

Debate in SYRIZA: The conflictual bipolar, the dives into the past and the attacks on Kasselakis

With deep dives into the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance’s governmental past, plenty of “friendly fire” among comrades, and repeated references to their return to opposition benches, the two-plus-hour debate between the four contenders for the party’s presidency unfolded. From the very first moments, the participants enthusiastically plunged into the battle of impressions.

SYRIZA: Watch the debate of the candidates – What Gletsos, Polakis, Famellos, and Farantouris have to say – Update

Everything That Happened in the Debate: Renationalizations, Prostitutes, and Sharp Words About Kasselakis

The debate among Apostolos Gletsos, Pavlos Polakis, Sokratis Famellos, and Nikolas Farantouris, candidates for the presidency of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, unfolded as a largely lackluster event. It lacked strong programmatic proposals or groundbreaking ideas.

SYRIZA elections: Decisive 65%-35% victory amid confusion, Kasselakis’s influence in question

With conflicting results to the end and in an episodic manner, the election of Syriza’s Syriza Progressive Alliance’s first, powerful internal party crash test, as the majority and “Casselistas” faced off in the most decisive ballot box since that of Alexis Tsipras’s succession in September 2023.

Twelve members of SYRIZA’s Central Committee refer Gerovasili, Zachariadis & Gletsos to the Ethics Committee


A group of twelve members of SYRIZA‘s Central Committee, aligned with Stefanos Kasselakis, has referred Olga Gerovasili, Kostas Zachariadis, and Apostolos Gletsos to the party’s Ethics Committee due to their recent “extreme” statements.
