Arif Çetin

Turkish security forces to hold large operations against PKK during winter: Minister

The Turkish security forces will hold large-scale operations against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the upcoming winter, Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has said, adding that "we will never stop moving" in the months to come. 

Seven generals asked for retirement before military board decision: Ministry

Seven general and admirals asked for retirement of their own volition before recent promotions and demotions within Turkey's military ranks, the Defense Ministry has stated, amid media reports that the government had asked 10 generals to retire and threatened them with dismissal through state of emergency degrees. 

Coup defeater commander reshuffled to Army Corps

The Special Forces Commander Lieutenant Gen. Zekai Aksakallı, who commanded anti-coup forces during the July 15 attempt and the Operation Euphrates Shield in Syria, was reshuffled to command the Second Army Corps in the western region of Gelibolu.

The appointments that had not come into effect with the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) were announced in the Official Gazette on Aug. 19.

Turkish gendarmerie commander offers giving medals to commanders who clashed with coup plotters

Turkish Gendarmerie Commander Gen. Yaşar Güler has offered giving medals to commanders who clashed with the plotters of the July 15, 2016, coup attempt on the night of the thwarted coup. 

Güler requested the "Outstanding Courage and Waiver Medal" should be given to six commanders who played key roles in quelling the coup attempt, daily Habertürk reported on July 20.