Aristides Hatzis
Guardian: Grexit looming if deal not reached between Greece and creditors
The correspondent of British The Guardian in Athens warns that time for the Greek government to strike a deal with its creditors is rapidly running out in an article entitled “Greece has three weeks to deal with ‘potentially disastrous’ debt, says IMF”. The article says that a failure to reach a compromise by February 20 would bring back Grexit with a vengeance.
From The Guardian:
Greek pledges rest on hard-to-keep promise of tax reforms
By Karolina Tagaris
Greece's tax police squad raided a busy cafe-restaurant in an upscale central Athens district earlier this year, it discovered two cash registers and an elaborate system of issuing fake receipts -- at least 15,000 of them, over four years.
Euro area pushes Greece to open books as aid talks resume
Rebecca Christie, Corina Ruhe & Jonathan Stearns
European finance ministers piled pressure on Greece to open its books and follow through with pledges agreed to in its rescue package, as the country tries to avoid running out of cash as soon as this month.
Greece seeks Plan C after Eurogroup rules out bridge loan
Euro-area governments won?t grant Greece?s request for a short-term financing agreement to keep the country afloat while it renegotiates the terms of its financial support, said Jeroen Dijsselbloem, chairman of the bloc?s finance ministers? group.
Greece submits 2015 budget with troika talks still at impasse
Greece submitted its 2015 budget to parliament without prior sign-off from its international creditors as talks with them remained stalled.
The reinvention of Tsipras as Greece’s prime minister-in-waiting
By Marcus Bensasson & Eleni Chrepa
Alexis Tsipras is presenting a friendlier face to investors as he tries to cultivate an image as the leader of Greeces next government.