Atanas Ilkov

Young Family was Found Dead in Plovdiv

A young family was found dead in their home in a block of flats in Plovdiv, the Ministry of Interior announced.

The bodies of Radi and Iliana Enevi were discovered after neighbors called the police about their child who had been crying all night long and their parents' voices were not heard. The signal was filed at 16:20 on Thursday at 112 Emergency.

Bulgarian Wine Grape Growers Say 2017 is Best Crop For the past 5 Years

Bulgarian wine grape producers say that the 2017 harvest is the best in the past five years. According to the industry, all varieties are excellent, raising hopes of boosted sales and prizes at prestigious international competitions, according to the Independent Balkan News Agency.

Bulgarian 'Migrant Hunter' Held After Anti-Roma Rally

Thousands of Bulgarians from different parts of the country, including rockers and football hooligans, joined a mass anti-Roma rally in Asenovgrad on Sunday evening.

The rally followed a group fight last Monday between locals of Roma origin and teenagers from the local canoe kayak team. Nine Roma suspected of attacking the sports team are behind bars awaiting trial.
