Besime Konca

Opposition HDP lawmaker Besime Konca released from prison

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Siirt deputy Besime Konca was released from prison on July 29 after the approval of her appeal against a 2.5-year prison sentence for disseminating terror propaganda.  The 2nd High Criminal Court in the southeastern province of Batman ordered Konca's release considering the five years she remained in custody.

Court arrests HDP MP Besime Konca on terror charges

A court in the southeastern province of Batman on May 29 ordered the arrest of Kurdish-issue focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Siirt lawmaker Besime Konca on terror charges, Doğan News Agency has reported.

Earlier in the day, Konca was detained at Batman Airport following a prosecutor's detention warrant that came shortly after her release earlier this month.

Jailed HDP co-chair Demirtaş announces hunger strike with HDP MP

Selahattin Demirtaş, the jailed co-chair of the Kurdish issue-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), will start a hunger strike on March 31 to protest "inhumane treatment," along with jailed HDP deputy Abdullah Zeydan.  

Last week, HDP Siirt deputy Besime Konca started a hunger strike in the Kandıra Prison. 

Two HDP deputies detained over alleged terror links

Ankara police detained two lawmakers from the Kurdish issue-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) as part of an anti-terror probe on Dec. 13. 

The HDP's Diyarbakır deputy and parliamentary group deputy chair, Çağlar Demirel, and its Siirt deputy, Besime Konca, were detained in relation to an ongoing probe in Diyarbakır and Batman. Konca was later released under judicial control. 

Subpoenas issued for eight HDP lawmakers

Subpoenas were issued for eight lawmakers from the opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) over the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) case in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır on Sept. 5. HDP group deputy chairman Çağlar Demirel was among the ones that a subpoena was issued for by the Diyarbakır Second Heavy Penal Court, Anadolu Agency reported.