Catalina Buzoianu
Actor Ion Caramitru burried with military honours at Bellu Cemetery, Actors' Alley
Actor Ion Caramitru was buried on Friday, with military honours, on the Actors' Alley of the Bellu Cemetery in the Capital City, in the presence of dozens of people who applauded for a long time.
Actor Ion Caramitru to be laid to rest today at Bellu Cemetery
Actor Ion Caramitru will be laid to rest today on the Actors Alley of the Bucharest Bellu Cemetery. On the way from the Visarion Church to the cemetery, the funeral procession will stop around noon in front of the "I.L. Caragiale" National Theater, where he served as manager over the past 16 years, for a final farewell.
Eugen Tomac elected PMP chairman; Dorel Onaca is secretary-general
Deputy Eugen Tomac was voted on Sunday at the Congress of the People's Movement Party (PMP) to be the party's chairman, while Dorel Onaca was elected secretary-general.
Photo credit: (c) Mihai POZIUMSCHI / AGERPRES PHOTO