Charles Darwin

TOP 10 Attractions to See in London by Queue Time and Price

Are you also tired of waiting in the queue but do not know which London attraction is the best and easiest to visit? We have the answer! We have tested and ranked attractions in the British capital based on 3 criteria: wait time, price and Tripadvisor rating. Is your favourite attraction on our list?

Kosovo Imam Dismissed for Backing Theory of Evolution

Drilon Gashi, a young and unconventional cleric who served for two years as imam at the mosque in the village of Vitomirica in Kosovo's Peja/Pec municipality, said on Thursday that he has been dismissed by the Kosovo Islamic Community after he said he believed the theory of evolution developed by Charles Darwin.

Bulgarian Graphic Designer, Art Director and illustrator Retells Origin of Species by Darwin

"Very important project, realized in the most beautiful way. The thorough text of Sabina Radeva and her magnificent pictures together tell the story of the origin of the species and the evolution itself with clarity, humor and great charm. "

New Study Supports Darwin's Theory of the Origin of Life

Research supports the theory that fallen meteorites in warm water on the Earth's surface have given the essential elements necessary for the birth of life. This theory rests on "comprehensive research and calculations in the field of astrophysics, geology, chemistry, biology," says a publication in Canadian University McMaster in PNAS.
