Charles Dickens

Barbara Kingsolver wins Women’s Prize for Fiction

American novelist Barbara Kingsolver won the prestigious Women's Prize for Fiction Wednesday with "Demon Copperhead," the Dickens-inspired tale of a boy's struggle against the odds in a corner of America scarred by opioid addiction.

Kingsolver's Appalachian coming-of-age tale was announced as winner of the 30,000 pounds ($38,000) award at a ceremony in London.

‘Great Expectations’ serves up another grim revision

After a bleak reimagining of "A Christmas Carol" in 2019, Steven Knight is back to give another Charles Dickens tale, "Great Expectations," similar treatment, with equally grim results. While the underlying story is better suited to such tinkering, even Olivia Colman's toothy performance can't salvage this six-part production, meaning viewers should set their expectations accordingly.

A Tale of Two Viruses

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we

A Christmas Carol | Athens | November 15 - January 12

Yiannis Moschos has adapted Charles Dickens' classic tale of the curmudgeonly Ebenezer Scrooge and his yuletide change of heart, into a musical, with original music by Thodoris Economou, which will be on stage at the Greek National Theater from November 15 through January 12. Performances from Wednesdays through Sundays will feature English surtites.

Lost Portrait of Charles Dickens Found in a Junk Sale in South Africa

A portrait of Charles Dickens that had been lost for 174 years has been found in a box of trinkets in South Africa, reported

The portrait shows the famous Victorian writer at the age of 31, and was painted by artist and social campaigner Margaret Gillies in 1843, during the same weeks that Dickens was writing his festive classic A Christmas Carol.

Did English Writer Charles Dickens Live in the Bulgarian Coastal City of Bourgas?

Flagman - In 2012, the group of municipal councilors of NFSB in Bourgas submitted a report requesting that the English writer Charles Dickens be declared an honorary citizen. The reason - they had historical data that he lived and worked in Burgas for two years. What the patriots referred to was that they were using the study of the local historian Stoyan Raichevski.
