Constantinos Ioannou

Cyprus lifts permits for some homes

Starting on Wednesday, October 2, Cyprus will eliminate the need for planning permission for low-risk developments, such as the construction of one or two residential units. The decision, announced by Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou, aims to streamline the planning application process and ease pressure on local authorities.

Cyprus minister says his nation leads EU in repatriations and migrant arrivals are down sharply

Cyprus is the first European Union member country to repatriate more migrants whose asylum applications have been rejected than have arrived in a single year, the east Mediterranean island nation's interior minister said Thursday.

Cyprus calls for EU rethink on Syria migration as refugee numbers rise

As record numbers of Syrian refugees reach the shores of Cyprus, the Nicosia government wants the European Union to consider declaring parts of their war-torn homeland safe to repatriate them to, the Cypriot interior minister said.

"Starting a discussion to re-evaluate the issue of Syria is crucial for us," Minister Constantinos Ioannou told Reuters in an interview.

Cyprus unveils campaign to counter spike in asylum seekers

Cyprus is launching an information campaign to counter a spike in irregular migration, authorities said on Tuesday, saying they were struggling with the highest inflows in the European Union.

The island has had the highest new asylum applications in proportion to its population for the past six years. Eurostat data for 2022 showed it at double that of second-placed Austria.
