Costas Simitis

Recipes on leadership

An old and experienced politician once gave advice to the scion of a political family on how, and with whom, he should govern. But the crucial advice came at the end: "You won't rule only with those you want to hang out with and eat sushi in the evening." It sounded a bit shallow then, but over time I realized it is not really. 

Are we doing well?

The management of public opinion is among the tasks of every government. In a developed democracy one would argue that this management must focus on a continuous and systematic explanation of the government's strategy for the achievement of explicitly stated goals, so as to dispel confusion and remove unavoidable obstacles to policy making.

Eurostat and the shielded economy

Managing public opinion is one of the tasks of every government. Some governments understand this process as a necessary, continuous, systematic explanation of their strategy to the country's citizens, to make it understandable and remove any unavoidable obstacles to its implementation. 

The best, the worst, the hopeless times

How do we measure time? How do we evaluate our era, our history, if not through our lives, through the distillation of our experiences and judgment? Each sees things from a specific point, through different expectations, disappointments, fears and achievements. "Man is the measure of all things," declared Protagoras - the truth is relative, depending on each person's evaluation.
