David Meade
Conspiracy theorists think a planet is going to kill us all – again!
As The Smiths once said “Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before.”
Conspiracy theorists are once again convinced that the world is going to end in the next few weeks.
It was supposed to happen in September, and then again at the start of October.
Obviously we are all still here – so those predictions clearly didn’t come to fruition.
OMG Again …: "Rise of Antichrist, 7 years of chaos & Planet X to smash into Earth"
A Biblical doomsayer has predicted that Earth is entering into seven years of "tribulation" which will see a third of the planet destroyed in an "Elysian war." NASA isn't so sure though.
Author David Meade has predicted that the 'End of Days' will begin later this month as the Earth enters into a seven-year period called the "great tribulation."
And again … : Planet X, Nibiru, The World Is Ending on September 23 …
A self-proclaimed "researcher" David Meade claims the world as we know it will end on September 23 due to the arrival of the mysterious Planet X, in conspiracy circles referred to as Nibiru.
Christian ‘Researcher’ Claims The Rapture Starts On Saturday
There’s yet another doomsday date approaching, with some claiming that the rapture will start on Saturday.
That’s when certain Christians will get sucked up into heaven while the Earth descends into a chaotic “tribulation” period for those who are left.
New planet is “about to destroy Earth” and the clue is written on the pyramids
An author called David Meade is convinced that in September ‘death planet’ Nibiru is going to kill us all.
David, who wrote Planet X: The 2017 Arrival , believes the apocalypse will take place between September 20-23, and that clues are hidden in the Bible, and written on the pyramids.