Denitsa Nikolova

By the End of 2020, Bulgaria Will Have a Maritime Spatial Plan

By the end of 2020, a maritime spatial plan covering Bulgarian territorial waters in the Black Sea should be ready. This was stated by the regional deputy minister Denitsa Nikolova, quoted by the press center of the department. The plan is the first step and fundamental document for the implementation of the country's maritime policy.

Restoration of the Metropolitan West Park in Sofia

In the presence of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Nikolay Nankov, Deputy minister Denitsa Nikolova and the Mayor of Sofia Municipality Yordanka Fandakova a contract is signed for the reconstruction of the representative part of the West Park in Sofis and the ceremony will take place tomorrow.

Bulgaria has the least Nursing Homes for Seniors in the EU

Bulgaria ranks last in the EU by number of nursing homes for seniors for settlements. There are eighty-two in total for the country. And there are just over 5600 people living in them. However, the available places are not enough. Approximately 4,000 other pensioners are waiting for accommodation, Nova TV reported.

Further € 109 m Will Be Invested in Border Region between Bulgaria and Romania

Further € 109 million will be invested under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme in the border region between the two countries. This became clear at the tenth meeting of the European Cross-Border Programme Monitoring Committee, which took place in Bulgaria's old capital Veliko Turnovo on 22nd of March.

EUR 471 M to Be Spent on Cross-Border Cooperation Programs with Bulgaria's Neighbors

A total of EUR 471 M will be spent on cross-border cooperation programs with Bulgaria's neighboring countries by 2020, according to Deputy Regional Development Minister Denitsa Nikolova.

Nikolova announced at a press conference in Blagoevgrad that half of the money would remain in Bulgaria to be spent on the development of economically backward and peripheral regions.

DSK Bank, CIBANK to Provide Revolving Loan of BGN 80 M to Bulgaria's FLAG Fund

DSK Bank and CIBANK will provide a revolving loan of BGN 80 M to the FLAG Fund (Fund of Local Government Authorities in Bulgaria).

The money will be used to finish municipal projects financed under operational programs "Environment" and "Regional Development" for the 2007-2013 programming period, according to a media statement of the Regional Development Ministry.
