Dominic Fritz

'Romania Will Be Part Of Russia'

Russian ultranationalist ideologue Aleksandr Dugin, often referred to as "Putin's ideologue," caused controversy with a statement on the social media platform "X" claiming that "soon Romania will be part of Russia." The post, which was later deleted, suggested a scenario in which Moldova becomes part of Romania, and Romania, in turn, is absorbed into Russia.

Medical project for COVID-19 patients to be given as good practice example by WHO

Timisoara City Mayor Dominic Fritz on Tuesday announced that one of the medical projects implemented in Timisoara, the Pandemic Controller, has caught the attention of the World Health Organization (WHO) and could be given as an example of good practices in a guide developed by the Organization.

IntMin Bode: We've found a way to transport migrants coming to Timisoara back to the other centres

Minister of Interior Lucian Bode, after a meeting with Timisoara City Mayor Dominic Fritz on Tuesday, said that they had found a way to transport the migrants who come to Timisoara, under supervision, back to the other centres in the country. "We are facing a lack of accommodation in Timisoara, we have reached a capacity of 128pct at the moment.

Timisoara Mayor Fritz comes to Ministry of Interior to draw attention on flow of migrants through his city

Timisoara City Mayor, Dominic Fritz, has come to the Ministry of Interior to discuss with Minister Lucian Bode about the problem of migrants coming from Serbia and wanting to illegally cross the border with Hungary. "I want to draw attention to the fact that we now have over two thirds of these migrants who are registered in Timisoara.