Dzevad Muratbegovic
Trial Opens for Zoran Neskovic et al for Crimes in Rogatica
Zoran Neskovic, Panto Pantovic, Slavisa Djeric, Nenad Ujic and Pero Despet are charged on 46 counts with inhumane treatment, murder and sexual abuse of civilians in Rasadnik detention facility in Rogatica, eastern Bosnia, between the end of July and December 22, 1995.
Bosnian Serb Ex-Serviceman Tried for Killing Civilian Prisoners
The trial of Goran Viskovic for crimes against humanity in the Vlasenica and Milici areas in 1992 and 1993 opened on Wednesday at the B osnian state court in Sarajevo.
Bosnian Serb Ex-Officer Goes on Trial for Village Attack
The trial of Mile Ujic, who is accused of persecuting Bosniak civilians during a widespread and systematic attack in the Rogatica area, opened at the Bosnian state court in Sarajevo on Thursday.
Warrant Sought for Missing Vlasenica War Crimes Suspect
Bosnia's State Prosecution has asked the State Court to issue a warrant and order custody for Goran Tesic, who is on trial for crimes committed in the eastern town of Vlasenica and has gone missing.
Bosnian Serb Ex-Soldier’s Sexual Abuse Acquittal Challenged
The prosecution on Monday urged the appeals chamber of the Bosnian state court to quash the verdict acquitting Nenad Perovic of sexual abuse in the village of Dobrasina, near Rogatica, during wartime in 1992.
The first-instance verdict in May this year cleared Perovic of helping another, unidentified Bosnian Serb soldier rape a woman in Dobrasina in August 1992.