Eli Skorcheva

Stephan Komandarev for Novinite: God Willing, More and More Quality Bulgarian Films Will Be Made

Stephan Komandarev was born in Sofia in 1966. He graduated from the French language high school in 1985, the Medical Academy in Sofia with a specialty in "medicine" in 1993, in 1999 - film and television directing at the New Bulgarian University, and in 2010 - film dramaturgy again at New Bulgarian University (NBU). He also graduated in film production at EAVE.

The Bulgarian proposal for the "Oscar" is the film "Blaga's Lessons”

The Bulgarian proposal for the Oscars is Stefan Komandarev's film "Blaga's Lessons".

The decision of the selection committee was made unanimously, reports the National Film Center.

The film recently received the big "Crystal Globe" award for the best film at the Karlovy Vary festival, as well as a statuette for the best female role of Eli Skorcheva.