Euclid Tsakalotos

Tsipras tables confidence motion as Mitsotakis blasts him over Polakis

For three days, 8-10 May, Greek politics will be focused on a vote of confidence that will be held on 10 May
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has invoked his parliamentary right to turn New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis' no-confidence motion against his alternate health minister Pavlos Polakis into a vote of confidence in the government.

Fiscal leeway leads to handouts

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos on Thursday said he is planning to meet with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Saturday to decide on the handouts the government will be announcing next week, in an effort to capitalize on the primary surplus overrun projected for this year, according to figures forwarded to the European Commission.

Editorial: The great mistake

The government's decision to reverse its anti-bailout memorandum tactics in order to sign the third bailout memorandum is well known.

After adopting an unrealistic stance in negotiations with European partners and other creditors in the first six months of 2015, which nearly brought total disaster upon the country, the first Tsipras government was forced into a disorderly retreat.
