Evangelos Apostolakis

Amusing and confusing

We have not witnessed such confusion since 1952, when Georgios Papandreou ran as a candidate MP with the Ellinikos Synagermos (Greek Rally) party of Field Marshal Alexandros Papagos.

Why Mitsotakis tapped Stylianides as Climate Change and Civil Protection Minister, his experience

By Angelos Athanasopoulos

The incoming minister for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Christos Stylianides is a dentist by training, yet he is by all accounts essentially a "political animal".

That is the common conviction of both his friends and opponents, as Cyprus's former European Commissioner has a passion for whatever he takes up.

The PM, the Admiral, and the cabinet reshuffle fiasco

The government reshuffle that was announced yesterday was designed to give the government a fresh start after the disastrous August wildfires, yet it was overshadowed by former admiral and former defence minister Evangelos Apostolakis' last-minute decision to reject his appointment as minister in the newly-created Civil Protection Ministry.

The shipwreck of Admiral Apostolakis’ abortive appointment as civil protection minister

The government reshuffle that was announced yesterday was designed to give the government a fresh start after the disastrous August wildfires, yet it was overshadowed by former admiral and former defence minister Evangelos Apostolakis' last-minute decision to reject his appointment as minister in the newly-created Civil Protection Ministry.

Apostolakis refuses his appointment by Mitsotakis as civil protection minister

Just two hours after Prime Ministet Kyriakos' decisions about the cabinet reshuffle were announced, Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, who had served as defence minister under the previous SYRIZA government, refused to accept his appointment as minister in the newly-created civil protection ministry.
