Evangelos Apostolou

Athens to seek geographical protection for ‘Greek yoghurt’

The Greek ministry of agriculture will push for a geographical protection for “Greek yogurt” considering the rising consumer demand as well as the recent dispute with Prague.

The product name ‘Greek yogurt’ is not protected by a geographical indication but comes under the EU Regulation on the provision of food information to consumers.

Tsipras reshuffles cabinet to appease creditors, retains key ministers

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reshuffled his cabinet late on Friday, removing ministers who have expressed opposition to the austerity measures and economic measures demanded by Greece’s international creditors, but retaining his ministers of finance and foreign affairs.

Athens News Agency and left.gr announce pension cuts, but protothema is accused of misinformation

Labour Minister Giorgos Katrougalos lashed out at Proto Thema newspaper and its online version protothema.gr accusing them of misinforming the public and denied publications according to which Greece’s lenders have asked for new pension cuts.