Ferhat Encü

Opposition HDP lawmaker İdris Baluken detained in Ankara

People's Democratic Party (HDP) lawmaker İdris Baluken was detained again following an appeal against his release in a case filed as part of a terror investigation on Feb. 21, state-run Anadolu Agency has reported. 

The court in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır on Feb. 17 had issued an arrest warrant for HDP Diyarbakır deputy Baluken.

Prosecutor seeks aggravated life sentence for jailed HDP MP for 'attempting to kill district governor'

A prosecutor in the southeastern Turkish province of Şırnak has sought an aggravated life sentence for Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Ferhat Encü over "attempting to kill a public official due to the public duty he is carrying out."

HDP deputies visit jailed party members

Kurdish issue-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputies Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar visited arrested party deputies, including HDP co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, on Dec. 3 and 4. 

The visits came after the Turkish Justice Ministry's 1,5-month ban on visits to arrested deputies of the party was lifted. 

Nine opposition HDP lawmakers arrested, including co-chairs

Nine lawmakers from Turkey's opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), including its co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, were arrested on Nov. 4 in a probe that was launched against 14 of the party's lawmakers over alleged links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Eight opposition HDP lawmakers arrested, including co-chairs

Eight lawmakers from Turkey's opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), including its co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ, were arrested on Nov. 4 in a probe that was launched against 14 of the party's lawmakers over alleged links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

EU envoys meet at urgent meeting on HDP detentions

European Union envoys in Ankara met on Nov. 4, under the head of the EU delegation to Turkey, over People's Democratic Party (HDP) co-chairs, lawmakers are detained as part of "terrorism" investigations.

The ambassadors of EU member states are believed to be discussing a joint stance against the detentions, which they fear threaten further instability for the country.
