Gülsüm Kav

Violence against women 'on rise, but women more combatant' in Turkey

Violence against women has been on the rise, but women have become more combatant, said Gülsüm Kav, the director of Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu (We Will Stop Femicides Platform), a women's rights activist organization that keeps track of violence against women, stressing that as long as the laws in Turkey failed to protect women, violence against them would not stop.  

Women will not stop

The documentary called "You can do it," prepared by fellow journalist Tuluhan Tekelioğlu, promptly explains the paradox surrounding the problems women face in this country.

Women who are underrepresented, when compared to men, in politics, the workforce and social life have now come out of their shells, and they will not stop.