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Secondhand car prices rise last month

Prices in the secondhand car market had dropped for almost seven straight months, but started to pick up again in February, according to representatives of the industry.

Used car prices plunged nearly 25 percent since June last year for nearly seven months in a row but the rate of decline slowed in January. However, they increased last month, industry insiders said.

Secondhand car sales plummeting

Sales of secondhand cars have been declining as more brand-new cars have become available in the market and due to the combination of other factors.

In the last three years, the prices of secondhand vehicles had been on the rise, but this stopped in July after the Trade Ministry imposed some restrictions on the sales of secondhand cars.

More second-hand cars put up for sale after cap announcement

The sale of second-hand cars on online trading platforms has increased significantly after Trade Minister Mehmet Muş announced plans to impose a cap on car sales.

The number of advertisements placed for 2022-model cars rose by 30 percent between Aug. 10, when the minister made the announcement, and Aug. 13, according to data from Cardata.