Harvey Weinstein

Twitter is Planning to Impose New Restrictions on Pornographic and Hateful Imagery

Twitter is planning to impose new restrictions on pornographic and hateful imagery as part of a renewed effort to tackle abuse on its social network, reported BBC. 

The US company has also said it intends to review user complaints more quickly.

The efforts are outlined in a leaked email from the company's head of safety, which was published by Wired.

An Expulsion, A Message

His name has been deleted from the list of 8,400 members. The way the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has expelled film producer Harvey Weinstein over sexual assault claims is unprecedented. In its 90-year history, the Academy has expelled only two members.

France Plans Anti-Street Harassment Law

France's gender equality minister has set out plans for a new law cracking down on sexual violence and harassment.

Marlène Schiappa's proposals include on-the-spot fines for catcalling and lecherous behaviour in public.

The mounting sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein have revived debate about male predation in France.

Oliver Stone backpedals after defending Harvey Weinstein

After initially jumping to Harvey Weinstein’s defense, director Oliver Stone walked back his comments Friday — saying he was “appalled” by the sexual harassment accusations against the disgraced movie mogul.
The 71-year-old Oscar winner also said he was cutting ties to the “Guantanamo” series due to the involvement with The Weinstein Company, which has fired the Hollywood horndog.

Oscar-winner Emma Thompson says harassment “Endemic” in Hollywood: Weinstein just tip of the iceberg (VIDEO)

Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson has claimed that the sexual abuse and harassment scandal surrounding disgraced Hollywood producer and Democratic Party donor Harvey Weinstein is just “the top of a very particular iceberg” in Hollywood’s overall culture.
