Ioana Bivolaru

AGERPRES photo exhibition "Romania: Evolution" travels to Lisbon

The photo exhibition "Romania: Evolution" mounted by the AGERPRES National News Agency trevalled to Lisbon, Portugal, on Thursday, where he was presented at an Amicus Romaniae (Romania's friend) award gala in partnership with the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) in Lisbon and the Romanian Embassy in Portugal.

Romanian senior official Dusa, Portugal's DefMin Lopez meet to discuss international security

The international security context, the risks and threats emerging globally and regionally, as well as the measures to be taken at both NATO and EU levels, were discussed in Bucharest on Thursday by State Secretary for Defence, Policy, Planning and International Relations with Romania's Defence Ministry (MApN) Mircea Dusa and Portuguese Defence Minister Jose Alberto Azeredo Ferreira Lop