J.B. Pritzker

Biden’s new explanation for his disastrous 90-minute debate: “I almost fell asleep on stage.”

At a campaign rally in Virginia last night, Joe Biden offered a new explanation for his disastrous 90-minute debate against Donald Trump, during which he appeared to lose his train of thought several times, raising concerns about his mental health.

USA: Speculation about Biden’s withdrawal after the debate drama – Turmoil among Democrats

The image presented by Joe Biden in the debate with Donald Trump on Thursday caused concern and worry among Democrats, with even the New York Times calling on the 81-year-old American president to withdraw from the race for the White House.

The State of Illinois has Legalized the Use of Marijuana

The state of Illinois has legalized the use of marijuana, with the governor pardoning thousands of people with past convictions for use of small amounts of cannabis, AFP reported.

The law will allow residents over the age of 21 to legally purchase marijuana and repeal thousands of convictions across the state.