Joc Pečečnik

Elektronček buying water bottling company Costella

Ljubljana/Kostel – The gaming company Elektronček Group, owned by entrepreneur Joc Pečečnik, has announced the acquisition of the company Costella. Costella’s owner, the Swiss company Agrokor, which is in liquidation, put the water bottling company, whose most valuable asset is a water extraction concession valid until 2035, up for sale at the end of last year.

SBC champions responsible entrepreneurship under new leaders

Ljubljana – The Slovenian Business Club (SBC), under a new programme and the leadership of its new president, businessman Joc Pečečnik, will strive to promote responsible entrepreneurship. “Our interest is first and foremost to reduce labour taxation,” SBC executive director Sonja Šmuc said on Thursday.

No building permit for Plečnik stadium, developer will press charges

Ljubljana – The Environment and Spatial Planning Ministry rejected at the end of March the BŠP company’s request for a building permit to overhaul a rundown Ljubljana stadium designed by acclaimed architect Jože Plečnik. BŠP boss Joc Pečečnik says he will not give up on the project he launched in 2007 and will press charges.

Another setback for Plečnik stadium project

Ljubljana – The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage opposes a project to revamp a rundown sports stadium in Ljubljana that was designed by Slovenia’s best known architect Jože Plečnik. The decision was made last month after the Culture Ministry annulled a previous positive opinion, Dnevnik reports on Tuesday.