
The Metro weekend, the Tarp, K.M., and the messages within (to the Party) and without (to the Oligarchs), Douzoglou and the money laundering, the Arab and the Indian billionaires

Hello there, it was a weekend of positive publicity and pleasant news for Thessaloniki and the government. Of course, we also experienced the first severe winter weather with flooded streets and destruction in various parts of Greece, but such things are part of the plan; they happen everywhere, so let’s not overdramatize.

The change in tactics by K.M. and the electoral law, the game with the bank tax, the Gordian knot of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE), the egg crisis in New York!

Hello, I found last night’s interview of K.M. on Alpha (with Sroiter) quite interesting in several aspects, and I’ll highlight some points that represent certain changes. First of all, regarding his stance on the Samaras-Karamanlis duo, who have been systematically attacking him for the past few months without any apparent reason.

Angela and her Alexis, Chrysochoidis’ road, an MP’s drama, the battle of Lavrio, and where Elpedison is heading

Hello, today I want to focus on two books from which I managed to read excerpts and found quite interesting. The first is the memoir of Merkel, including everything she says about us—Greece. During her tenure, we went back and forth—figuratively and literally—within and outside of Europe, and endured the hardships of the bailout programs. I read the Greek excerpts with great attention.

The green storm, the ex with the Porsche counting down, twice… Lygoura, the Polakis-Famelos battle, and the Imola of Piraeus Bank

Hello, the main topic of yesterday, at least in politics, is PASOK’s ascent to the position of Official Opposition after almost 15 years, albeit through a convoluted path, with plenty of drama and four splits within SYRIZA. Cause for celebration for the historic center-left party?

The hour of reckoning in the US, oligarchs applying pressure and making demands, the cabinet reshuffle and Schinas, the tax troubles of Kasselakis’ father with the IRS

Hello, the hour of reckoning has arrived for the new leader of the free world, and naturally, this week, something quite dramatic would need to happen to shift the spotlight from this major event that occurs once every four years and politically, geostrategically, and economically impacts the whole world.

State Orchestra instead of Remos in the Metro (Thessaloniki), awkwardness (Karamanlis Foundation), PASOK (the same old tune), the two golden exits of BC Partners

Hello, let’s start with the unpleasant news. For those of you who thought that by attending the inauguration of the Thessaloniki Metro you would hear some culture from Dionysis Savvopoulos and maybe a few tunes from Antonakis Remos, you were mistaken.

Master Chef Nikos (snails boubouristos-style), Stefanos and the Priesthood, the electric chair of OSE, and the deals being made

Hello, now we knew it, we wrote about it, but who believed us? Stefanos is still here, but it’s like he’s not here at all; poor guy got swallowed up by vested interests. Even the last “pillars” of Democracy—Liagas and Kainourgiou, who supported him—have started to…waver, kind of erased him.

The candidates for President of the Republic, Samaras and the critical vote, Karamanlis (with the media moguls), the Venezuela Alliance, the waters of GEK TERNA

Hello, we’ve just come out of a satisfying long weekend for the October 28th holiday with a lot of traffic on the national highways as well as the Attiki Odos, which now inevitably needs to be expanded in the coming years because, simply put, it can’t hold us all anymore.

K.M., Antonis the Turk-eater (… art of the sieve), Ministers who butt heads (with each other), Pizantis, and the money that… disappeared, olive trees for sale

Greetings, so what Mitsotakis is doing now with Nikos Pappas is wrong because Nikos is no longer with Kasselakis, who isn’t even the leader of SYRIZA anymore (the one who appointed him as the party’s representative in Parliament). And he won’t become one again because, quite simply, today it will be decided by the Priesthood (as the lyricist says) that he can’t be a candidate.
