Livia Popescu

Senate warned of having its YouTube channel shut down because of Diana Sosoaca's anti-mask messages

Chair of the Senate's Law Committee, Liberal Iulia Scantei, declared on Tuesday that the YouTube channel administration has warned the Parliament's Upper House that they will take down the page of the institution if messages undercutting the mask mandate continue, a first step being the deletion of this kind of video clips posted by controversial Senator Diana Sosoaca.

World Tuberculosis Day/Dragu: Romania must make every effort to treat those with this condition

Bucharest, March 24 /Agerpres/ - The President of the Senate, Anca Dragu, drew attention, on Wednesday, on the occasion of the World Tuberculosis Day, that Romania must make every effort to protect and treat the patients suffering from this condition.

Ceiling of combined state aid support for HORECA businesses increased to 1,800,000 euros

The Senate plenary adopted on Monday OUG No. 10/2021 on a set of specific financial support measures for the COVID-affected tourism companies; the regulatory act was amended so as to increase the ceiling for the combined state aid support to 1,800,000 euros from 800,000 euros. OUG No. 10/2021 aims at removing certain deficiencies identified by the European Commission of OUG No.

Official Dragu: Digital vaccination certificate, a ticket for returning to life before COVID-19 pandemic

Digital vaccination certificate, a project proposed by the European Commission is like "a ticket" that we need to get in order to be able to return to our life before the CVID-19 pandemic, the President of the Senate, Anca Dragu, stated on Monday. "We believe that this is a ticket to freedom, which will help us return to our life before the pandemic. No.

PSD's simple motion against Economy Minister defeated in Senate

The Senate rejected today by a vote of 55 to 72 and one abstention the simple motion against Economy Minister Claudiu Nasui, titled "Romania in agony, with Nasui at Economy". The 41 Social Democratic Party (PSD) senators who signed the motion demanded the "immediate" dismissal of Economy Minister Claudiu Nasui. The vote was secret, with balls.

COVID-19 vaccination campaign / 45,184 people - immunised in last 24 hours

The National Committee for the Coordination of COVID-19 Vaccination Activities (CNCAV) informs that in the last 24 hours a number of 45,184 doses of vaccine have been administered, of which 30,991 - Pfizer, 6,496 - AstraZeneca and 7,697 - Moderna, according to the data provided by the National Public Health Institute (INSP) through the National Electronic Vaccination Register application.

Anti-COVID vaccination campaign / 38,695 people - immunized in last 24 hours

The National Committee for anti-COVID vaccination (CNCAV) informs that in the last 24 hours there were 38,695 vaccine doses administered, of which 30,006 - Pfizer and 8,679 - AstraZeneca and 10 from Moderna, according to the data provided by the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), through the National Electronic Vaccination Registry.

Dragu: Possibility of opening direct air route between Bucharest and Skopje, considered

Bucharest, Feb 22 /Agerpres/ - Senate President Anca Dragu said on Monday that the possibility of opening a direct air route between Bucharest and Skopje will be considered, when the epidemiological context allows the relaunch of air transport at an optimal capacity. Anca Dragu had a meeting with Gabriel Atanasov, the ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia to Romania.

COVID vaccination campaign/ 38,128 people inoculated in past 24 hours

The National COVID Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) informs that according to data provided by the National Public Health Institute through the National Electronic Vaccinations Registry app, 38,128 people have received the coronavirus jab in the past 24 hours, with 28,019 injected with the Pfizer vaccine, 671 with the Moderna, and 9,438 with the AstraZeneca serum.
