Maria Repousi

Sia Anagnostopoulou wants to change Greek history as taught in schools

Deputy Education Minister Sia Anagnostopoulou told daily newspaper, Kathimerini, that she disagrees with the way in which history is taught in Greek schools. “History school books must change,” she said. “Research and the opinions of scientists on history and how it is taught in schools must stop being molded within a national measure.

Lakos, academic in charge of school books, likens Macedonian heroes to jihadists

Education Minister Nikos Filis set off vibrations in Greek society when he said that the ethnic cleansing of the Pontian community could not be considered genocide. Now, Antonis Lakos, the man redesigning the Greek Ministry of Education, believes that Greeks were similar to jihadists when they acted against Jews and Bulgarians.

Debate about presidential election peaks as independent MPs mull backing gov't

Speculation about the government's prospects for achieving the 180-seat super-majority needed to elect a president peaked on Friday after several independent and opposition MPs indicated that they would be willing to back the coalition's candidate, thus contributing toward averting snap polls.