Marian Lazar

Ex-President Iliescu leaves Attorney General's Office after being informed he is subject of criminal investigation

Ex-President Ion Iliescu on Tuesday left the Attorney General's Office after about an hour and 30 minutes without making statements to the press. He had been summoned to be informed that he is a subject in criminal investigation of the December 1989 Revolution, standing accused of crimes against humanity.

President Iohannis - notice of prosecution in case of Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman, Gelu Voican Voiculescu

President Klaus Iohannis forwarded to the Justice Minister the request for prosecution in the case of the former head of state Ion Iliescu, former premier Petre Roman and in Gelu Voican Voiculescu's case, the Presidential Administration announced.

Romania's Ex-President Faces Trial Over 1989 Bloodshed

Romania's Attorney General Augustin Lazar on Monday said that he had requested official permission from the president to prosecute former president Ion Iliescu and former Prime Minister Petre Roman for crimes against humanity in the 1989 revolution. Former deputy prime minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu is also set to be prosecuted.