Marios Salmas

Parliament votes to lift immunity of former minister

Parliament on Friday voted to lift the immunity of former Health Minister Andreas Loverdos,  the only politician currently implicated in the alleged bribery scandal  involving Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis and prominent politicians.
The cases against other politicians have been shelved due to a lack of evidence.

Novartis affair looms over upcoming general election

For over one year the Novartis affair has fueled constant political tensions and it will be a central issue in the forthcoming general election, which is to be held by October at latest.

To Vima on Sunday reported yesterday that Corruption Prosecutor Eleni Touloupaki (photo) has told the Judicial Council that she expects the case to be wrapped up within the next six months.

Novartis probe : Four politicians absolved, focus on Loverdos

The Novartis affair, which was once described by the government as the biggest scandal since the establishment of the Greek state, appears to be fizzling out as the judiciary closed the investigation due to lack of evidence for four politicians and sent only the case of former health minister Andreas Loverdos (Pasok) to parliament with a request that his parliamentary immunity be lifted so that

Prosecutor asks MPs to lift immunity of former deputy health minister

A corruption prosecutor investigating damages to Greece's main national healthcare provider EOPYY through the overpricing of certain medical procedures has asked Parliament to lift the immunity of former alternate health minister Marios Salmas, so that he can be called in for questioning.
