
Angela and her Alexis, Chrysochoidis’ road, an MP’s drama, the battle of Lavrio, and where Elpedison is heading

Hello, today I want to focus on two books from which I managed to read excerpts and found quite interesting. The first is the memoir of Merkel, including everything she says about us—Greece. During her tenure, we went back and forth—figuratively and literally—within and outside of Europe, and endured the hardships of the bailout programs. I read the Greek excerpts with great attention.

Konstantinos Karamanlis: “Am I the right-winger? And who are the Leftists?”

It has been 50 years since the founding declaration of New Democracy on October 4, 1974. The declaration was signed solely by Konstantinos Karamanlis, just two and a half months after his return to Greece, following 11 years of self-imposed “exile” in Paris. Thus, the party was established, which, along with PASOK, became the two main pillars of the post-dictatorial Greek Republic.

Mandatory vaccination from February? "This is a particularly dangerous situation".

According to a document from the Office obtained by Bloomberg, Merkel recommends that people who have not been fully vaccinated be banned from going to restaurants, cinemas and shops that are not necessary.
She also calls for mandatory vaccinations against COVID-19 starting in February 2022.

Point # 3

This point "recommends" the way of reporting on the EU to the countries of the Western Balkans. However, Sputnik's interlocutors call this "recommendation" of the EU an instrument of discipline.

Vučić ends his visit to Dubai: "We will get new drugs to fight coronavirus" PHOTO

Vui thanked Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed for visiting the Serbian pavilion.
"Yesterday we had 3.000 visits, Serbia was presented in a good way, through digital technologies," he pointed out.
President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vui, announced new drugs in the fight against coronavirus.
